
Reg. CF


Project Owner EI.Ventures

About Documents
Funded - $123,951.10
Time Left - Closed
Target Raise - $25,000
Max. Raise - $1,070,000




Invest In The Future of Psychedelic Medicine


Download Our 59 Page Investment Research Report "The Psychedelic Revolution" and Register For A Live Call With Our Founder, David Nikzad

Invest In The Coming Mental Health Revolution With Us... And Let's Help The Billion + Untold With Our Suite of Mental Welness Products and Services


Deal Highlights

  • Offering Type: Regulation CF 
  • Minimum Investment: $1,000
  • Issuer: EI.Ventures, Inc. 
  • Issue Type: SAFE
  • Jurisdiction: USA
  • Valuation Cap: $111 million


Company Highlights

🔗 Developing the 'Psychedelic Farmers Market', the first link in the psyechedlic therapeutics supply chain

🌱 Control IP for three botanical novel psychedelic formulations. Psilly™️, MY-D™️, MY-MDMA™️

🔬 CRO and lab partnerships created in Canada for the development of Psychedelic API and novel compounds like Psilly™️

📲 Developing mental wellness and health app partnerships for launch in 2021

🍄 Launching our MANA™️ medicinal mushroom nutraceuticals in Q1 of 2021 into a $15 billion a year market



Ei.Ventures Is a Leading Life and Plant Sciences Company Focused On Bringing Botanical Psychedelic Therapies and Medicinal Mushroom Neutraceuitcals To Market

Our mission is bold… empower people worldwide to good mental health. To this end, our botanical psychedelic therapeutics and medicinal mushroom nutraceutical solutions are designed to radically shift mental wellness treatment protocols.

EI.Ventures is focused on developing botanical API for the psychedelic supply chain, novel psychedelic compounds for various indications, uninque delivery mechanisms and treatment protocols, and medicinal mushroom nutraceuticals for improving well-being and health. 

Ultimately, we intend to create a revolution when it comes to mental health and wellness. Our aim is to open the pathway to the billion + people worldwide who need to receive these life-changing treatments and natural solutions.

We Call It… The New Standard of Wellness


The Big Problem

Mental health disorders dramatically disrupt the global economy.

  • 322 million people suffer from depression worldwide
  • 300 million people suffer from PTSD workdwide
  • 164 million people suffer from substance abuse worldwide
  • 1 in 5 American adults suffer from a form of mental illness
  • $1 trillion estimated cost of depression to the global economy
  • $6 trillion the estimated cost of mental health conditions in 2030

  • 115 people die everyday from opioid abuse


PROBLEM #1: "The Treatment Gap".

This treatment gap has huge economic implications. 

For one... the larger pharmaceutical companies have all but walked away from researching and developing new treatments for mental health disorders. 

Drugs like Prozac were once hailed as "wonder drugs" when they first came to market. Now, after 30 years of use, their efficacy is in doubt. 

Needless to say the world is in desperate need of a next-generation of revolutionary treatments focused on solving the growing mental health problem. 

At Ei, we believe natural psychedelic therapeutics and botanical nootropics and nutraceuticals are this solution. 

PROBLEM #2: Synthetics Vs. Botanicals 

Synthetic molecules and compounds created in pharmaceutical laboratories tend to be chemically pure, crystalline products. They can create highly potent and targeted effects, but the consequences of these effects are often poorly understood by medical science. 

Modern psychiatric drugs are among the least understood drugs on the market. With decades of study we still don’t fully understand how many of these drugs work. Many patients experience little improvement and unfortunate side effects like weight gain, sexual dysfunction, and muting of personality. 

By contrast, in some applications, the use of naturally derived compounds offers distinct advantages. In some cases naturally derived medicines – particularly those with psychoactive properties – have evolved alongside their use in humans, being selected over the course of generations to provide health benefits to the user.

Rather than isolating or synthesizing a single molecule or a simple compound, any formulation Ei.Ventures develops will start with a standardized and well characterized natural product, manufactured and formulated to be consistent and reproducible from crop to crop and batch to batch.

Our proprietary extraction process preserves the unique complex constituency of a natural product producing a broad spectrum entheogenic extract that can be combined with other complementary ingredients in our formulations enhancing positive pharmacological effects. 

This synergistic formulation can potentially create medicinal effects that is simultaneously more efficacious and more well tolerated with fewer side effects than many synthetic crystalline compounds prescribed today. 

Our unique extraction, formulation, and clinical development process is what separates Ei.Ventures from our synthetic competitors. 

By working with naturally derived ingredients, our ingredients and formulations are able to leverage synergies between primary active ingredients and other essential constituents which contribute an overall effect that is “greater than the sum of its parts.”

This extraction and formulation process integrates an innovative blend of organic and biochemistry.

The end goal…

To create a superior and much more cost-effective way to produce both psychoactive and nutraceutical medicinal formulations. 

Psychedelic Medicine Is the Next Frontier in the Treatment of Mental Health Disorders

Our plan is to address the treatment gap left by Big Pharma and create botanical pyschedelic therpeutics which we define as non-synthetic derived from the whole mushroom fungi and non-psychedelic nutraceutical formulations. 

This positions EI.Ventures as the leader in lowering mental healthcare costs globally, while providing patients with a long-term mental health solution. 

It also positions EI.Ventures as a leader in the emerging psychoactive treatment space. Our compounds and solutions may even save lives.  

A resurgence of interest in psychedelic treatments for mental health disorders is paving the way for a 3rd generation of pharmaceutical treatments.

Recent Studies

2016 Study: Psilocybin produces substantial and sustained decreases in depression and anxiety in patients with life-threatening cancer: A randomized double-blind trial.

Roland Griffiths, PhD Professor of Psychiatry and Behaviorial Sciences, Johns Hopkins University

2016 Study: Psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression: fMRI-measured brain mechanisms.

Robin L. Carhart-Harris, Head of Centre for Psychedelic Research, Imperial College London

Ongoing Study: A Phase 3 Program of MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Severe posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Rick Doblin, Founder of Map

The Case for Investing in Psychedelic Research and Development for the Treatment of Mental Health Disorders is Growing


In October of 2018, the FDA gave Psilocybin the coveted ‘Breakthrough Therapy' designation stating that, “Preliminary clinical evidence indicates the drug may demonstrate substantial improvement over existing therapies to treat a serious or life-threatening disease or condition.”

Current studies show low dependence potential and no significant adverse side-effects.

Phase I/IIa studies by top research institutions in the EU and US show promising clinical evidence of the breakthrough potential for psilocybin.


The Big Opportunity

Building an Extensive & Robust IP Advantage

Ei has built out an extensive library of intellectual proprety which we are set to deploy through in-house development and strategic partnerships. We call it our IP Advantage. 


Becoming The Psychedelic 'Farmers Market'. Developing a library of proprietary botanical nano super molecules called “Psychedelic API” (active pharmaceutical ingredients) for use in the 'psychedelic supply chain'. 


Novel Psychedelic Therapies. Our novel psychedelic therapeutics Psilly™, MY-D, and MY-MDMA are preparing to go through the FDA pipeline for the potential treatment of addiction, anxiety, MDD, and PTSD. 


CRO and Lab Partnerships. Pursuing partnerships or acquisitions of clinical research organizations for  development of API products and internal FDA clinical trials. 


Technology and Treatment Partnerships. Ei is is in negotiations to acquire a mental wellness and telehealth app. In addition, we are planning to launch a clinical treatment division into the Oregon and Candian markets by mid 2022. 


Medicinal Mushroom Nutraceuticals. Ei’s nutraceutical line of products, MANA, is designed to bring near term revenue through legal and exclusive formulations. MANA is launching six proprietary formulations to market in 2021.


Specifically, EI.Venture’s focus is on three areas of intellectual property and a three-phase launch plan. The three areas where EI.Ventures intends to build IP are; APIs, formulation technologies, and delivery technologies; improving the quality of the active psychedelic pharmaceutical and nootropic nutraceutical ingredients, the products they take, and the methods by which they are taken. Before we discuss our launch plan, let’s first go over and break down EI.Venture’s full IP Portfolio

** NOTE: All psychoactive compounds remain Schedule I drugs in the U.S.. Ei.Ventures follows all
legal regulations during the research and development of our novel compounds. We are not proposing
any psychoactive formulations for recreational use in accordance with U.S. and international laws



Primary Indication

Botanical Psilocybin API: The base active pharmaceutical ingredient for any psilocybin-based formulation.

A proprietary psilocybin molecule created via fungal extraction.

To service the top of the supply chain for active clinical trials across the psychedelic medicine community and within EI.Venture’s own Drug Development Program. In addition to treating patients in legal jurisdictions related to anxiety, substance abuse, PTSD, and Major Depressive Disorder.

Botanical DMT API: The base active pharmaceutical ingredient for any DMT based formulation.

4-Ac0, 4-HO, 5-Meo via Acacia extraction

To service the top of the supply chain for active clinical trials across the psychedelic medicine community and within EI.Venture’s own Drug Development Program. In addition to treating patients in legal jurisdictions related to Major Depressive Disorder.

Botanical Mescaline API: The base active pharmaceutical ingredient for any Mescaline based formulation.

Via San Pedro Cactus extraction

To service the top of the supply chain for active clinical trials across the psychedelic medicine community and within EI.Venture’s own Drug Development Program. In addition to treating patients in legal jurisdictions related to Major Depressive Disorder.

Psilly: Psilocybin-based compound that includes other natural molecules to increase efficacy and bioavailability.

A nano super compound formulation achieved through natural fungal extraction and the blending of other compounds that leads to a more synergistic effect.

Overall mental wellness, cognition and substance abuse including alcohol, opioids, and nicotine

MY-D: DMT-like compound that includes other natural molecules to increase efficacy.

A nano super compound formulation achieved through enriching a tryptamine formulation.

Major Depressive Disorder

MY-MDMA: A stacked MDMA analogue compound that includes other natural molecules to increase efficacy and bioavailability.

A nano super compound formulation that reduces the negative side-effects of traditional MDMA.

Chronic pain, Major Depressive Disorder, and PTSD

Brain Mana: Non-psychotropic mushroom formulation using a proprietary laboratory formulation for enhanced bioavailability.

A six-mushroom blend, along with other natural ingredients made using a proprietary process to convert large molecules into small molecules for enhanced efficacy and bioavailability.

Brain fog, memory, lack of mental clarity, cognition, and weakened immunity.

Energy Mana: A natural focus and energy booster that uses our proprietary laboratory formulation for enhanced bioavailability and efficacy.  

A potential natural substitution for Adderall type medications. Creates a similar energy and focus bump. Oral and nasal application.

Low energy, lack of focus.

Happy Sexy: Likened to a natural non-psychoactive MDMA enhancer with a weight loss booster that is created using our proprietary laboratory formulation for enhanced bioavailability and efficacy.

A potent mood enhancer and weight loss booster that creates a similar euphoric feeling to MDMA without a psychoactive experience and helps burn fat. 

Overall Mood, Mild Anxiety, Mild Chronic Pain, Mild Depression, Weight Gain.

Brain Soup: To be used by individuals who use psychedelics consistently to treat various medical conditions.

A proprietary mental and physical optimizer that will be used in conjunction with any psychedelic therapeutic that is prescribed to patients.

Combats any negative physical side-effects someone could experience from the continued use of psychedelic treatments such as microdosing.

IntelliBoost: For anyone that wants to up their ‘brain game’.

A powerful nootropic (smart drug) formulation for enhancing brain function and performance.

Improves cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity, and motivation.

Pain Eraser: Exactly as it sounds.

A powerful anti-inflammatory and pain reducer formulation.

Inflammation and pain.

Sleepy Sexy: For getting a good night’s sleep and burning fat while you do it.

A sleep enhancer and fat burner all-in-one.

Sleeplessness and Weight loss.

Our Brands & Products

1. Psychedeclic API 

Psychedelic API is a proposed botanical active nano super compound that makes up the active pharmaceutical ingredients for Psilly, MY-D, and MY-MDMA. 

Our goal is to fully characterize our API through the documentation of our cultivation, manufacturing and processing to ensure consistency in production of our API. Our target product profile (TPP) will
provide us with a drug master file (DMF) which can be submitted to the FDA.

Remember, API stands for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient. Unlike other companies focusing
on specific formulations to treat certain indications, our priority is to demonstrate the
CMC resulting in both stability and consistency of our API.

Based on internal evidence and the research of current patents that have been filed, we believe our unique extraction process is far superior and wholly unique as compared to other methods.

Successfully completing this process and obtaining what is known as a Master Drug File from the FDA allows us to be at the very top of the supply chain with a superior API product that can be sold to other psychedelic research and development companies. This is how we intend to have a direct impact on one billion people worldwide.

It’s also a much quicker path to revenue for the company because we only have to take our API through preclinical trials before taking it to market.

Currently, synthetic Psilocybin API is being sold for $10,000 per gram to companies and
research organizations.

By using our unique extraction process and the whole fungi rather than a synthetic version we believe we can greatly reduce this cost. We also believe that our proprietary nano super-molecule formulation will have a much higher efficacy and bioavailability than the current synthetic API meaning that it will take much less to produce superior results.

All in all, we have three specific natural API products we intend to develop and receive utility patents on: Psilocybin, DMT, and Mescaline.


2. MANA™️ Mushroom Based Nutraceuticals and Nootropics For Healthy Human Optimization

MANA formulations uses non-psychoactive botanical ingredients that reinvigorate and awaken our minds, bodies and spirits. The MANA line of products was designed to support brain health, immunity, pain relief, energy and overall well-being to everyone. 

There are currently 6 product formulations ready to be manufactured and deployed through our GMP lab partnerships. Each formulation is backed by Trade Secret protection and they contain medicinal mushrooms and other proprietary ingredients. 

The real secret sauce of MANA products is our proprietary formulation technique which converts large molecules into small molecules for enhanced bioavailability.

MANA products are ready for launch into the $20 billion Medicinal Mushroom and Nootropics space beginning in Q1 of 2021. 

The MANA launch and revenue strategy is simple... 

  1. e-Commerce
  2. Direct To Consumer
  3. Private Label Partnerships

The digital team behind the MANA sales and marketing plan has vast experience in the online nutraceutical space with a combined $200+ million in sales. 

MANA's five core products include: 


Brain MANA™️ is our flagship formulation and is used for cognitivie and immune support and enhancement. 






Happy Sexy™️ is proprietary formulation made with a plant-based, non-psychoactive mood enhancer similar to MDMA. It's completely legal and used during the day time enhances mood and burns fat all at the same time. 




Sleepy Sexy™️ is our night-time version of Happy Sexy™️ used to get a resfull nights sleep naturally and boost the bodies thermogenic process while you sleep. Research has indicated that poor sleep can lead to unecessary weight gain. Sleepy Sexy™️ aims to curb this problem. 




IntelliBurst™️ is a powerful Nootropic formulation that also packs a punch of energy with it. This non-caffinated formulation is used to improve cognitiion and make you more productive at the same time. 





Energy MANA™️ is exactly what it sounds like. Energy Mana™️ gives a powerful energy kick without the jitters and side-effects of stimulants like caffeine or the coca leaf. 





Pain Eraser™️ is a powerful natural pain releif and joint discomfort formulation. 




3. Novel Psychedelic Therapeutics 

In the third phase, we will take our novel psychedelic drug formulations, Psilly, MY-D, and MY-MDMA down the FDA pipeline for indications like:

Anxiety Disorder, ADHD, Bipolar Disorders, Depression, Eating Disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD), and Substance Abuse Disorder (SAD).

We believe due to our natural therapeutic drug development as opposed to synthetic designer drugs, we will be able to launch into legal markets much sooner than other companies competing in the space. 

Our first drug candidate is our patent pending product called Psilly™.

Meet Psilly™️

Psilly™ is a psilocybin-based formulation that starts with natural fungal extracts. We combine this high-quality psilocybin extract in a stacked formulation with other naturally occurring and complementary plant extracts.

The latest formula has proprietary additives that work together to enhance psilocybin’s bioavailability and positive physiological effects. We believe that this formula will reduce the amount needed to provide medical benefits and decreases potential side-effects of the psilocybin compounds. 

Scientific studies demonstrate clear evidence that psilocybin therapies yield a greater and
more durable impact on mental health symptoms than more mainstream pharmaceutical
approaches. They offer significant improvement of wellbeing, patient and caregiver
health-related quality of life, and reduced healthcare-resource utilization compared to
common psychiatric practices.


We believe that PsillyTM will be an essential asset in the burgeoning field of psilocybin therapy due to its mildness, effectiveness, and the complimentary effects of its formulation.

The Size of The Market

The three areas of product launch and acquisition that Ei.Ventures is focused on represent a combined estimated $36.5 billion yearly marketplace. 

$16 billion

Size of the anti depressant
drug market as of 2019 with
an expected growth rate of
4.9% CAGR through 2026.

$13 billion

Size of the medicinal mushroom
market with an expected growth
rate of 9.4% CAGR by through 2026. 


$5.5 billion

Size of the telepsychiatry market
with an expected growth rate of
24.7% CAGR from 2020-2027.


Financial Model

Financial projections are based on the following assumptions:

•99% probability of nutraceutical launch
75% probability of Psilocybin API completion
32% probability of Psilly Phase 2 trial success
There has been no addition of revenues from telepsychiatry investments, additional API, or proprietary novel psychedelic drugs.

Why Now

COVID-19 has changed the game…

  • During late June, 40% of U.S. adults reported struggling with mental health or substance abuse (CDC).
  • The prevalence of symptoms of anxiety disorder was approximately three times those reported in the second quarter of 2019 (25.5% versus 8.1%), and prevalence of depressive disorder was approximately four times that reported in the second quarter of 2019 (24.3% versus 6.5%).
  • Regulatory loosening in multiple states and countries surrounding the study and use of psychedelic therapeutics. 
  • A recent survey of 2,000 Americans found one in two of those surveyed have eschewed more traditional medicine in favor of natural alternatives.
  • Only 11% of population reported using telehealth services in 2019, whereas 78% now interested in telehealth going forward. 


The Investment Opportunity & Roadmap Ahead

We have made and are making significant investments into three areas because we see this as a pathway to both profitability and higher a higher valuation:

  1. Operating Income in the form of our medicinal mushroom nootropic and nutraceutical line MANA.
  2. Strong intellectual property in the form of botanical psychedelic API and novel therapeutics.
  3. Investment into the clinical supply chain for psychedelic medicine in the form of partnership with licensed CROs for development of API and novel psychedelics.
  4. Development of cutting edge telepsychiatry platform in the form of investment and partnership.

By focusing on these core areas of expertise, we believe we have a clear path to rapid growth. As a result, we believe  shareholder value will increase.

As an investor in EI.Ventures, you will know you are supporting the right kind of company… the kind that serves both individuals and humanity.

This is how we create long-term shareholder value... and this is how we play our part in creating a better world for our children and their children.



















Use of Proceeds


The Company’s management will have broad discretion in the application of the net proceeds of this Offering and investors will have to rely upon their judgment. At present, At present, we intend to use the net proceeds for (1) conducting pre-clinical, clinical development for our drug candidates, and related research programs; (2) intellectual property development or acquisition; and (3) general corporate purposes. The failure by the Company’s management to apply these funds effectively could have a material adverse effect on the Company and the value of the Securities. 


Ownership Structure & Rights of Securities


SAFE holders are not entitled to vote, receive dividends or be deemed the holder of capital stock of the Company in their capacity as a SAFE holder for any purpose, nor will anything contained in this Memorandum be construed to confer on a SAFE holder any of the rights of stockholder of the Company or any right to vote for the election of directors or upon any matter submitted to stockholders at any meeting thereof, or to give or withhold consent to any corporate action or to receive notice of meetings, or to receive dividends, subscription rights or otherwise.


Risks & Disclosures


An investment in the Securities involves a high degree of risk. You should consider carefully the risks described below, together with all of the other information contained in this Memorandum and the SAFE before making an investment decision.  The following risks entail circumstances under which the Company’s business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects could suffer.

Risks Relating to Our Business and Strategy


We may not succeed in developing viable drug candidates, which could result in the entire loss of your investment.

Although we have obtained the rights to a number of novel compositions, including compositions containing psilocybin, none of them have been tested to evaluate their potential as a new drug product.  Part of the use of proceeds of this offering is to conduct pre-clinical research on one or more of our compositions in order to develop data necessary to file an Investigational New Drug (“IND”) application in the United States and/or a clinical trial application (“CTA”) in Canada.  There is no assurance that the results of these studies will demonstrate that the compositions are viable new drug candidates.  If the results of the studies are unsatisfactory, we would be confronted with altering the compositions and/or attempting to formulate new compositions that might constitute viable new drug candidates. If our current compositions are not viable, and we are unsuccessful in formulating different, viable compositions, our business could fail, resulting in the complete loss of your investment.

We will face competition from other biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies and our operating results will suffer if we fail to compete effectively.

The biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries are intensely competitive and subject to rapid and significant technological change. We anticipate having competitors in the United States, Canada, Europe and other jurisdictions, including major multinational pharmaceutical companies, established biotechnology companies, specialty pharmaceutical and generic drug companies and universities and other research institutions. There are a number of other companies operating in the psilocybin space, many of which have longer operating histories and far greater financial and personnel resources than we do. Known competitors in our space include Champignon Brands Inc., Mind Medicine, Inc., Revive Therapeutics Ltd., COMPASS Pathways, Ltd, Field Trip Health, Inc., Cybin, Inc, and Eluesis, Ltd. Many of these competitors may have greater financial and other resources, such as larger research and development staff and more experienced marketing and manufacturing organizations. Large pharmaceutical companies, in particular, have extensive experience in clinical testing, obtaining regulatory approvals, recruiting patients and manufacturing drugs. These companies may also have significantly greater research, sales and marketing capabilities and collaborative arrangements in our target markets with leading companies and research institutions. Established pharmaceutical companies may also invest heavily to accelerate discovery and development of novel compounds or to in-license novel compounds that could make the drug candidates that we develop obsolete. As a result of all of these factors, our competitors may succeed in obtaining patent protection and/or approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”), Health Canada (“HC”), or other regulatory authorities or discovering, developing and commercializing drugs for diseases that we are targeting before we do. Smaller or early-stage companies may also prove to be significant competitors, particularly through collaborative arrangements with large, established companies. Our competitors may succeed in developing, acquiring or licensing on an exclusive basis, technologies and drug products that are more effective or less costly than the drug candidates that we are currently developing or that we may develop, which could render our products obsolete and/or noncompetitive.


We believe that our ability to successfully compete will depend on, among other things:

  • the success of our research and development efforts to identify and develop novel drug candidates;
  • the speed at which we develop drug candidates;
  • the results of our pre-clinical and clinical trials;
  • our ability to recruit and enroll patients for clinical trials;
  • the efficacy, safety and reliability of our drug candidates;
  • our ability to design and successfully execute appropriate clinical trials;
  • our ability to maintain a good relationship with regulatory authorities;
  • the timing and scope of regulatory approvals;
  • our ability to commercialize and market any of our drug candidates that receive regulatory approval;
  • the price of our products;
  • adequate levels of reimbursement under private and governmental health insurance plans, including Medicare;
  • our ability to protect our intellectual property rights related to our products;
  • our ability to manufacture and sell commercial quantities of any approved products to the market; and
  • acceptance of our drug candidates by physicians and other health care providers.

If our competitors market products that are more effective, safer, or less expensive than our future products, if any, or that reach the market sooner than our future products, if any, we may not achieve commercial success. In addition, the biopharmaceutical industry is characterized by rapid technological change. If we fail to stay at the forefront of technological change, we may be unable to compete effectively. Technological advances or products developed by our competitors may render our drug candidates obsolete, less competitive or not economical.

A pandemic, epidemic, or outbreak of an infectious disease, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, may materially and adversely affect our business, including our preclinical studies, clinical trials, third parties on whom we rely, our supply chain, our ability to raise capital, our ability to conduct regular business and our financial results.

We are subject to risks related to public health crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic originated in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 and has since spread to a large number of countries, including the United States and most European countries. The pandemic and policies and regulations implemented by governments in response to the pandemic, often directing businesses and governmental agencies to cease non-essential operations at physical locations, prohibiting certain nonessential gatherings and ceasing non-essential travel have also had a significant impact, both direct and indirect, on businesses and commerce, as worker shortages have occurred, supply chains have been disrupted, facilities and production have been suspended, and demand for certain goods and services, such as medical service and supplies, has spiked, while demand for other goods and services, such as travel, has fallen. The full extent to which COVID-19 will ultimately impact our business, preclinical trials and financial results will depend on future developments, which are highly uncertain and cannot be accurately predicted, including new information which may emerge concerning the severity of COVID-19 and the actions to contain COVID-19 or treat its impact, among others. Global health concerns, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, could also result in social, economic, and labor instability in the countries in which we or the third parties with whom we engage operate.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have taken temporary precautionary measures intended to help minimize the risk of the virus to our employees, including closing our executive offices and temporarily requiring all employees to work remotely, suspending all non-essential travel worldwide for our employees and discouraging employee attendance at industry events and in-person work-related meetings, all of which could negatively affect our business. The extent of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our preclinical studies or clinical trial operations, our supply chain and manufacturing and our office-based business operations, will depend on future developments, which are highly uncertain and cannot be predicted with confidence, such as the duration of the pandemic, the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, or the effectiveness of actions to contain and treat coronavirus. 

The COVID-19 pandemic may also affect employees of third-party CROs located in affected geographies that we will rely upon to carry out our clinical trials. As COVID-19 continues to be present and spread around the globe, we may experience additional disruptions that could severely impact our business and clinical trials, including:

  • delays or difficulties in enrolling patients in our clinical trials;
  • delays or difficulties in clinical site initiation, including difficulties in recruiting clinical site investigators and clinical site staff;
  • diversion of healthcare resources away from the conduct of clinical trials, including the diversion of sites or facilities serving as our clinical trial sites and staff supporting the conduct of our clinical trials, including our trained therapists, or absenteeism due to the COVID-19 pandemic that reduces site resources;
  • interruption of key clinical trial activities, such as clinical trial site monitoring, due to limitations on travel imposed or recommended by federal, state or national governments, employers and others or interruption of clinical trial subject visits and study procedures, the occurrence of which could affect the integrity of clinical trial data;
  • risk that participants enrolled in our clinical trials will acquire COVID-19 while the clinical trial is ongoing, which could impact the results of the clinical trial, including by increasing the number of observed adverse events or patient withdrawals from our trials;
  • limitations in employee resources that would otherwise be focused on conducting our clinical trials, including because of sickness of employees or their families or the desire of employees to avoid contact with large groups of people;
  • delays in receiving authorizations from regulatory authorities to initiate our planned pre-clinical and clinical work;
  • delays in clinical sites receiving the supplies and materials needed to conduct our clinical trials;
  • interruption in global shipping that may affect the transport of clinical trial materials used in our clinical trials;
  • changes in local regulations as part of a response to the COVID-19 pandemic which may require us to change the ways in which our clinical trials are conducted, which may result in unexpected costs, or the discontinuation of the clinical trials altogether;
  • interruptions or delays in preclinical studies due to restricted or limited operations at research and development laboratory facilities;
  • delays in necessary interactions with local regulators, ethics committees and other important agencies and contractors due to limitations in employee resources or forced furlough of government employees; and
  • refusal of the FDA, the EMA, the MHRA or the other regulatory bodies to accept data from clinical trials in affected geographies outside the United States or the EU or other relevant local geography.

Any negative impact the COVID-19 pandemic has on patient enrollment or treatment or the development of our investigational therapeutic candidates could cause costly delays to clinical trial activities, which could adversely affect our ability to obtain regulatory approval for and to commercialize our investigational psilocybin therapy and any future therapeutic candidates, if approved, increase our operating expenses, and have a material adverse effect on our financial results. The COVID-19 pandemic has also caused significant volatility in public equity markets and disruptions to the United States and global economies. This increased volatility and economic dislocation may make it more difficult for us to raise capital on favorable terms, or at all. Although we have begun to experience the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business and operations, we cannot currently predict the scope and severity of any potential business shutdowns or disruptions. If we or any of the third parties with whom we engage, however, were to experience shutdowns or other business disruptions, our ability to conduct our business in the manner and on the timelines presently planned could be materially and negatively affected, which could have a material adverse impact on our business and our results of operations and financial conditions. To the extent the COVID-19 pandemic adversely affects our business and financial results, it may also heighten many of the other risks described in this ‘‘Risk Factors’’ section, such as those relating to the timing and completion of our clinical trials and our ability to obtain future financing.

We may utilize third-party contractors for a substantial portion of our operations and may not be able to control their work as effectively as if we performed these functions ourselves.

We may outsource substantial portions of our research and development pre-clinical and clinical study operations, and contemplated future small- and large-scale manufacturing to third-party service providers. Any agreements with third-party service providers and clinical research organizations (“CROs”) are expected to be on a study-by-study and project-by-project basis. Typically, we may terminate the agreements with notice and are responsible for the supplier’s previously incurred costs. In addition, any CRO that we retain will be subject to the FDA’s, HC’s, and/or another country’s regulatory requirements, and we would not have control over compliance with these regulations by these providers. Consequently, if these providers were not to adhere to applicable governing practices and standards, the development, manufacturing and commercialization of our drug candidates could be delayed or stopped, which could severely harm our business and financial condition.

Because we intend to rely on third parties for some functions, our internal capacity to perform these functions will be limited to management oversight. Outsourcing these functions involves the risk that third parties may not perform to our standards, may not produce results in a timely manner or may fail to perform at all. It is possible that we could experience difficulties in the future with our third-party service providers. In addition, the use of third-party service providers requires us to disclose our proprietary information to these parties, which could increase the risk that this information will be misappropriated. There are a limited number of third-party service providers that specialize or have the expertise required to achieve our business objectives. Identifying, qualifying and managing performance of third-party service providers can be difficult, time consuming and cause delays in our development programs. We have limited internal resources available to identify and monitor third-party service providers. To the extent we are unable to identify, retain and successfully manage the performance of third-party service providers in the future, our business may be adversely affected, and we may be subject to the imposition of civil or criminal penalties if their conduct of clinical trials violates applicable law.

A variety of risks associated with potential international business relationships could materially adversely affect our business.

We may enter into agreements with third parties in Canada or other countries for the development and commercialization of our drug candidates in international markets. International business relationships subject us to additional risks that may materially adversely affect our ability to attain or sustain profitable operations, including:

  • differing regulatory requirements for drug approvals internationally;
  • potentially reduced protection for our licensed intellectual property rights;
  • potential third-party patent rights in countries outside of the United States;
  • the potential for so-called “parallel importing,” which is what occurs when a local seller, faced with relatively high local prices, opts to import goods from another jurisdiction with relatively low prices, rather than buying them locally;
  • unexpected changes in tariffs, trade barriers and regulatory requirements;
  • economic weakness, including inflation, or political instability, particularly in non-U.S. economies and markets;
  • compliance with tax, employment, immigration and labor laws for employees traveling abroad;
  • taxes in other countries;
  • foreign currency fluctuations, which could result in increased operating expenses and reduced revenue, and other obligations incident to doing business in another country;
  • workforce uncertainty in countries where labor unrest is more common than in the United States;
  • production shortages resulting from any events affecting raw material supply or manufacturing capabilities abroad; and
  • business interruptions resulting from geo-political actions, including war and terrorism, or natural disasters, including earthquakes, volcanoes, typhoons, floods, hurricanes and fires.

We will need to expand our operations and increase the size of our company, and we may experience difficulties in managing growth.

As we increase the number of our ongoing drug development programs and our drug candidates, in the future, commence pre-clinical studies and clinical trials, we will need to increase our drug development, scientific and administrative headcount to manage these programs. In addition, we will need to increase our general and administrative capabilities. Our management, personnel and systems currently in place may not be adequate to support this future growth. Our need to effectively manage our operations, growth and various projects requires that we:

  • successfully attract and recruit new employees or consultants with the expertise and experience we will require;
  • manage pre-clinical and clinical programs effectively, which we anticipate being conducted at numerous sites; and
  • continue to improve our operational, financial and management controls, reporting systems and procedures.

If we are unable to successfully manage this growth and increased complexity of operations, our business may be adversely affected.

We may not be able to manage our business effectively if we are unable to attract and retain key personnel and consultants.

We may not be able to attract or retain qualified management, finance, scientific and clinical personnel and consultants due to the intense competition for qualified personnel and consultants among biotechnology, pharmaceutical and other businesses. If we are not able to attract and retain necessary personnel and consultants to accomplish our business objectives, we may experience constraints that will significantly impede the achievement of our development objectives, our ability to raise additional capital and our ability to implement our business strategy.

Our industry has experienced a high rate of turnover of management personnel in recent years. We are highly dependent on the expertise of our President and key employees, and our ability to implement our business strategy successfully could be seriously harmed if we lose the services of our President or key employees. Replacing executive officers or key employees may be difficult and may take an extended period of time because of the limited number of individuals in our industry with the breadth of skills and experience required to develop, gain regulatory approval of and commercialize products successfully. Competition to hire and retain employees and consultants from this limited pool is intense, and we may be unable to hire, train, retain or motivate these additional key personnel or consultants. Our failure to hire or retain key employees or consultants could materially harm our business.

In addition, we will continue to add scientific and medical advisors who assist us in formulating our research, development and clinical strategies. These advisors are not our employees and may have commitments to, or consulting or advisory contracts with, other entities that may limit their availability to us, and typically they will not enter into non-compete agreements with us. If a conflict of interest arises between their work for us and their work for another entity, we may lose their services. In addition, our advisors may have arrangements with other companies to assist those companies in developing products or technologies that may compete with ours. 

There were no arms-length negotiations for our license from Orthogonal Thinker, Inc., and the terms of the License may be more favorable to Orthogonal, and to our detriment, than had the negotiations been arms-length with third parties.

Orthogonal Thinker, Inc. retains significant rights under the License Agreement it has granted to us. The terms of this agreement we established without the benefit of arms-length negotiations. The terms of the agreement may be more favorable to Orthogonal and to our detriment than had the negotiations been arms-length with third parties.

Security breaches, loss of data and other disruptions could compromise sensitive information related to our business, prevent us from accessing critical information or expose us to liability, which could adversely affect our business and our reputation.

We utilize information technology systems and networks to process, transmit and store electronic information in connection with our business activities. As the use of digital technologies has increased, cyber incidents, including deliberate attacks and attempts to gain unauthorized access to computer systems and networks, have increased in frequency and sophistication. These threats pose a risk to the security of our systems and networks and the confidentiality, availability and integrity of our data, all of which are vital to our operations and business strategy. There can be no assurance that we will be successful in preventing cyber-attacks or successfully mitigating their effects.

Despite the implementation of security measures, our computer systems and those of our future CROs and other third-party service providers are vulnerable to damage or disruption from hacking, computer viruses, software bugs, unauthorized access or disclosure, natural disasters, terrorism, war, and telecommunication, equipment and electrical failures. In addition, there can be no assurance that we will promptly detect any such disruption or security breach, if at all. Unauthorized access, loss or dissemination could disrupt our operations, including our ability to conduct research and development activities, process and prepare company financial information, and manage various general and administrative aspects of our business. To the extent that any such disruption or security breach results in a loss of or damage to our data or applications, or inappropriate disclosure or theft of confidential, proprietary or personal information, we could incur liability, suffer reputational damage or poor financial performance or become the subject of regulatory actions by federal, state or non-US authorities, any of which could adversely affect our business.

Our future employees may engage in misconduct or other improper activities, including noncompliance with regulatory standards, which could significantly harm our business.

We will be exposed to the risk of employee fraud or other misconduct. Misconduct by employees could include intentional failures to comply with the regulations of the FDA, HC, and other regulators, provide accurate information to the FDA, HC, and other regulators, comply with health care fraud and abuse laws and regulations in the United States, Canada, and abroad, report financial information or data accurately or disclose unauthorized activities to us. In particular, sales, marketing and business arrangements in the health care industry are subject to extensive laws and regulations intended to prevent fraud, misconduct, kickbacks, self-dealing and other abusive practices. These laws and regulations may restrict or prohibit a wide range of pricing, discounting, marketing and promotion, sales commission, customer incentive programs and other business arrangements. Employee misconduct could also involve the improper use of information obtained in the course of clinical trials, which could result in regulatory sanctions and serious harm to our reputation. Our board of directors plans to adopt a code of ethics and business conduct, but, even with such adoption, it is not always possible to identify and deter employee misconduct. The precautions we take to detect and prevent this activity may not be effective in controlling unknown or unmanaged risks or losses or in protecting us from governmental investigations or other actions or lawsuits stemming from a failure to comply with these laws or regulations. If any such actions are instituted against us, and we are not successful in defending ourselves or asserting our rights, those actions could have a significant impact on our business, including the imposition of significant fines or other sanctions.

If we successfully identify and create a candidate drug, we will face potential product liability exposure, and if successful claims are brought against us, we may incur substantial liability for a drug candidate and may have to limit its commercialization.

The use of drug candidates in clinical trials and the sale of any products for which marketing approval is obtained may cause exposure to the risk of product liability claims. Product liability claims may be brought against us or our potential future collaborators by participants enrolled in our clinical trials, patients, health care providers or others using, administering or selling our products. If we cannot successfully defend ourselves against any such claims, we would incur substantial liabilities. Regardless of merit or eventual outcome, product liability claims may result in:

  • withdrawal of clinical trial participants;
  • termination of clinical trial sites or entire trial programs;
  • costs of related litigation;
  • substantial monetary awards to patients or other claimants;
  • decreased demand for our drug candidates and loss of revenues;
  • impairment of our business reputation;
  • diversion of management and scientific resources from our business operations; and
  • the inability to commercialize our drug candidates.

Insurance policies may be expensive and only protect us from some business risks, which will leave us exposed to significant uninsured liabilities.

We do not know if we will be able to obtain and maintain insurance with adequate levels of coverage. Any significant uninsured liability may require us to pay substantial amounts, which may adversely affect our financial position and results of operations.

Risks Relating to Our Financial Position 

We have never been profitable. Currently, we have no products ready to submit for regulatory approval or approved for commercial sale, and to date we have not generated any revenue. As a result, our ability to reduce our losses and reach profitability is unproven, and we may never achieve or sustain profitability.

We have never generated revenue and have never been profitable and do not expect to be profitable in the foreseeable future. We have not yet begun any pre-clinical studies or clinical trials or submitted any drug candidates for approval by regulatory authorities in the United States, Canada, or elsewhere. We have incurred net losses in each year since our inception, including net losses of $0 for the period of May 3, 2019 (inception) through December 31, 2019 and $(329,798) for the six months ended June 30, 2020. We had an accumulated deficit of $(329,798) as of June 30, 2020. 

To date, we have devoted most of our financial resources to licensing our intellectual property and our corporate overhead. We have not generated any revenues. Since our operations will continue to be focused on research and development efforts for the near term, we expect to continue to incur losses for the foreseeable future, and we expect these losses to increase when we commence pre-clinical studies and clinical trials, seek regulatory approvals for any drug candidates, prepare for and begin the commercialization of any approved products and add infrastructure and personnel to support our drug development efforts and operations as a public company. These net losses and negative cash flows have had, and will continue to have, an adverse effect on our stockholders’ equity (deficit) and working capital.

Because of the numerous risks and uncertainties associated with drug development, we are unable to accurately predict the timing or amount of increased expenses or when, or if, we will be able to achieve profitability. In addition, our expenses could increase if we are required by the FDA, HC or other regulatory authorities to perform studies or trials in addition to those currently expected, or if there are any delays in commencing or completing our clinical trials or the development of any of our drug candidates. The amount of future net losses will depend, in part, on the rate of future growth of our expenses and our ability to generate revenues.

We will require substantial additional funding, which may not be available to us on acceptable terms, or at all, and, if not so available, may require us to delay, limit, reduce or cease our operations.

We anticipate using the proceeds of this offering to fund the research and development aimed at identifying and creating prospective drug candidates and facilitating pre-clinical studies of the same. Developing drug products, including conducting research, pre-clinical studies and clinical trials, is expensive. We will require additional future capital in order to begin and complete the research, development and clinical and regulatory activities necessary to bring our drug candidates to market in the future.

In addition to funding research, development, pre-clinical and subsequent clinical development of any drug candidates, our financial resources will also be used for general corporate purposes, general and administrative expenses, capital expenditures, working capital and prosecution and maintenance of our licensed patents to the extent required under our license agreements. Accordingly, we will continue to require substantial additional capital to continue our research and development activities. Because successful development of our drug candidates is uncertain, we are unable to estimate the actual funds we will require to complete research and development and commercialize our drug candidates under development.

The amount and timing of our future funding requirements will depend on many factors, including but not limited to:

  • whether there is early success in identifying and creating novel prospective drug candidates
  • the progress, costs, results of and timing of our drug candidate trials for the treatment of MDD, and the future pre-clinical and clinical development of our drug candidates for other potential indications;
  • the number and characteristics of drug candidates that we pursue;
  • the ability of our drug candidates to progress through future pre-clinical and future clinical development successfully;
  • our need to expand research and development activities;
  • the costs associated with securing and establishing commercialization and manufacturing capabilities;
  • market acceptance of our drug candidates;
  • the costs of acquiring, licensing or investing in businesses, products, drug candidates and technologies;
  • our ability to maintain, expand and defend the scope of our intellectual property portfolio rights, including the amount and timing of any payments we may be required to make, or that we may receive, in connection with the filing, prosecution, defense and enforcement of any patents or other intellectual property rights;
  • our need and ability to hire additional management and scientific and medical personnel;
  • the effect of competing technological and market developments;
  • our need to implement additional internal systems and infrastructure, including financial and reporting systems; and
  • the economic and other terms, timing of and success of our existing licensing arrangements and any collaboration, licensing or other arrangements into which we may enter in the future.

Some of these factors are outside of our control. Based on our current financial resources, our expected level of operating expenditures and the expected net proceeds of this offering, we believe that we will be able to fund our projected operating requirements for at least the next 12 months. This period could be shortened if there are any significant increases in planned spending on development programs or more rapid progress of development programs than anticipated. The expected net proceeds from this offering, together with our existing cash and cash equivalents, will not be sufficient for us to fund any drug candidates through regulatory approval, and we will need to raise additional capital to complete the development and commercialization of any drug candidates. We expect to finance our cash needs primarily through equity offerings and potentially through debt financings, collaborations and development agreements.

Additional funding may not be available to us on acceptable terms or at all. In addition, the terms of any financing may adversely affect the holdings or the rights of our stockholders. In addition, the issuance of additional shares by us, or the possibility of such issuance, may cause the market price of our shares, if and when established, to decline.

If we are unable to obtain funding on a timely basis, we may be required to significantly curtail one or more of our drug development programs. We also could be required to seek funds through arrangements with collaborative partners or otherwise that may require us to relinquish rights to some of our technologies or drug candidates or otherwise agree to terms unfavorable to us.

We have no operating history, and we expect a number of factors to cause our operating results to fluctuate on a quarterly and annual basis, which may make it difficult to predict our future performance.

We are a “development stage” biotechnology company with no operating history. Our activities to date have been limited to obtaining an exclusive license for our psilocybin compositions. Although we have identified psilocybin as a new drug candidate, we have not started pre-clinical studies or clinical trials or obtained regulatory approvals for any drug candidates. Consequently, any predictions made about our future success or viability may not be as accurate as they could be if we had an operating history or approved products on the market. Our financial condition and operating results may significantly fluctuate from quarter-to-quarter or year-to-year due to a variety of factors, many of which are beyond our control. Factors relating to our business that may contribute to these fluctuations include:

  • any delays in pre-clinical studies of our drug candidates, including delays in the identification of target indications; 
  • unsatisfactory results of pre-clinical studies of our drug candidates;
  • any delays in regulatory review and approval of any drug candidates, including our ability to receive approval from the FDA and HC for drug candidates, and our planned pre-clinical and clinical studies and other work, as the basis for review and approval of drug candidates;
  • delays in the commencement, enrollment and timing of clinical trials;
  • difficulties in identifying and treating patients suffering from target indications;
  • the success of our future studies through all phases of pre-clinical and clinical development;
  • potential side effects of our drug candidates that could delay or prevent approval or cause an approved drug to be taken off the market;
  • our ability to obtain additional funding to develop drug candidates;
  • our ability to identify and develop additional drug candidates;
  • market acceptance of our drug candidates;
  • our ability to establish an effective sales and marketing infrastructure directly or through collaborations with third parties;
  • competition from existing products or new products that may emerge;
  • the ability of patients or healthcare providers to obtain coverage or sufficient reimbursement for our products;
  • our ability to adhere to clinical study requirements directly or with third parties such as contract research organizations;
  • our dependency on third-party manufacturers to manufacture our products and key ingredients;
  • our ability to establish or maintain collaborations, licensing or other arrangements;
  • the costs to us, and our ability and our third-party collaborators’ ability to obtain, maintain and protect our licensed intellectual property rights;
  • our ability to adequately support future growth;
  • our ability to attract and retain key personnel to manage our business effectively; and
  • potential product liability claims.

Accordingly, the results of any quarterly or annual periods should not be relied upon as indications of future operating performance.

Our recurring losses from operations may raise doubt regarding our ability to continue as a going concern.

Because our continuing existence has been dependent upon raising capital to sustain our business, it raises doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern. Our independent registered public accounting firm has included an explanatory paragraph in its report on our financial statements stating there is doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern. Such an opinion could materially limit our ability to raise additional funds through the issuance of new equity or debt securities or otherwise. There is no assurance that sufficient financing will be available when needed to allow us to continue as a going concern. The perception that we may not be able to continue as a going concern may cause others to choose not to deal with us due to concerns about our ability to meet our contractual obligations. See Note 1 of our Financial Statements.

Risks Relating to Controlled Substances

Our drug candidates contain controlled substances, the use of which may generate public controversy.

Since our drug candidates contain, or are derived from, controlled substances, their regulatory approval may generate public controversy. Political and social pressures and adverse publicity could lead to delays in approval of, and increased expenses for our drug candidates. These pressures could also limit or restrict the introduction and marketing of one or more of our drug candidates. Adverse publicity from psilocybin misuse or adverse side effects from psilocybin products may adversely affect the commercial success or market penetration achievable by our drug candidates. The nature of our business attracts a high level of public and media interest, and in the event of any resultant adverse publicity, our reputation may be harmed.

The new drug candidates that we are developing are subject to U.S. and Canadian controlled substance laws and regulations and failure to comply with these laws and regulations, or the cost of compliance with these laws and regulations, may adversely affect the results of our business operations, both during pre-clinical and clinical development and post-approval, and our financial condition.

The drug candidates we plan to develop contain psilocybin, psilocin or other controlled substances as defined in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (“CSA”) for the United States and in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (“CDSA”) for Canada. Controlled substances are subject to a high degree of regulation under the CSA and CDSA, which establish, among other things, certain registration, manufacturing quotas, security, recordkeeping, reporting, import, export or other requirements administered by the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) in the United States and by HC in Canada.

US Controlled Substances Requirements

In the United States, controlled substances are placed into one of five schedules: Schedule I, II, III, IV or V substances. Schedule I substances by definition have a high potential for abuse, no currently “accepted medical use” in the United States, lack accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and may not be prescribed, marketed or sold in the United States. Pharmaceutical products approved for use in the United States may be listed as Schedule II, III, IV or V, with Schedule II substances considered to present the highest potential for abuse or dependence and Schedule V substances the lowest relative risk among such substances. Schedule I and II drugs are subject to the strictest controls under the CSA, including manufacturing and procurement quotas, security requirements and criteria for importation. In addition, dispensing of Schedule II drugs is further restricted. For example, they may not be refilled without a new prescription.

Psilocybin is currently classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, which is viewed as having a high potential for abuse and having no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. No prescriptions may be written for Schedule I substances, and such substances are subject to production quotas imposed by the DEA. 

The cities of Denver, Colorado, Oakland, California, and Santa Cruz, California have decriminalized psilocybin. However, these limited city/state laws are in conflict with the CSA, which makes psilocybin use and possession illegal at the federal level. Because psilocybin is a Schedule I controlled substance, the development of a legal psilocybin industry under the laws of these states is in conflict with the CSA, which makes psilocybin use and possession illegal on a national level. If psilocybin is treated like cannabis, the federal government has the right to regulate and criminalize psilocybin, including for medical purposes, and that federal law criminalizing the use of psilocybin preempts state laws that legalize its use.

If and when our drug candidates receive FDA approval, we expect the finished dosage forms of our psilocybin-based drug candidates may be listed by the DEA as a Schedule II, III, IV, or V controlled substance for them to be prescribed for patients in the United States. Consequently, their manufacture, importation, exportation, domestic distribution, storage, sale and legitimate use will be subject to a significant degree of regulation by the DEA. In addition, the scheduling process may take one or more years beyond FDA approval, thereby delaying the launch of our drug products in the United States. However, the DEA is required to issue a temporary order scheduling the drug within 90 days after the FDA approves the drug and the DEA receives a scientific and medical evaluation and scheduling recommendation from the Department of Health and Human Services. Furthermore, if the FDA, DEA or any foreign regulatory authority determines that any of our drug candidates may have potential for abuse, it may require us to generate more clinical or other data than we currently anticipate to establish whether or to what extent the substance has an abuse potential, which could increase the cost and/or delay the launch of our drug products.

Facilities conducting research, manufacturing, distributing, importing or exporting or dispensing controlled substances must be registered (licensed) to perform these activities and have the security, control, recordkeeping, reporting and inventory mechanisms required by the DEA to prevent drug loss and diversion. All these facilities must renew their registrations annually, except dispensing facilities, which must renew every three years. The DEA conducts periodic inspections of certain registered establishments that handle controlled substances. Obtaining the necessary registrations may result in delay of the manufacturing, development, or distribution of our drug candidates. Furthermore, failure to maintain compliance with the CSA, particularly non-compliance resulting in loss or diversion, can result in regulatory action that could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. The DEA may seek civil penalties, refuse to renew necessary registrations, or initiate proceedings to restrict, suspend or revoke those registrations. In certain circumstances, violations could lead to criminal proceedings. Individual states have also established controlled substance laws and regulations. Though state-controlled substances laws often mirror federal law, because the states are distinct jurisdictions, they may separately schedule our drug candidates. While some states automatically schedule a drug based on federal action, other states schedule drugs through rulemaking or a legislative action. State scheduling may delay commercial sale of any product for which we obtain federal regulatory approval and adverse scheduling could have a material adverse effect on the commercial attractiveness of such product. We or our partners or clinical sites must also obtain separate state registrations, permits or licenses in order to be able to obtain, handle, and distribute controlled substances for clinical trials or commercial sale, and failure to meet applicable regulatory requirements could lead to enforcement and sanctions by the states in addition to those from the DEA or otherwise arising under federal law.

To conduct pre-clinical studies or clinical trials with our drug candidates in the United States prior to approval, each of our research sites may be required to obtain and maintain a DEA researcher registration that will allow those sites to obtain, handle and administer the drug candidate. If the DEA delays or denies the grant of a research registration to one or more research sites, the pre-clinical study or clinical trial could be significantly delayed, and we could lose pre-clinical study or clinical trial sites.

Manufacturing of our drug candidates is, and, if approved, our commercial products may be, subject to the DEA’s annual manufacturing and procurement quota requirements, if classified as Schedule II. The annual quota allocated to us or our contract manufacturers for the controlled substances in our drug candidates may not be sufficient to meet commercial demand or complete pre-clinical studies or clinical trials. Consequently, any delay or refusal by the DEA in establishing our, or our contract manufacturers’, procurement and/or production quota for controlled substances could delay or stop our pre-clinical studies or clinical trials or product launches, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial position and operations.

If, upon approval of any of our drug candidates, the product is scheduled as Schedule II or III, we would also need to identify wholesale distributors with the appropriate DEA registrations and authority to distribute the product to pharmacies and other health care providers. We are aware of research that suggests once psilocybin is approver for a medical use, it could be scheduled as Schedule IV. The failure to obtain, or delay in obtaining, or the loss any of those registrations could result in increased costs to us. Furthermore, state and federal enforcement actions, regulatory requirements and legislation intended to reduce prescription drug abuse, such as the requirement that physicians consult a state prescription drug monitoring program, may make physicians less willing to prescribe, and pharmacies to dispense, our products, if approved.

Canadian Controlled Drug Substances Requirements

In Canada, psilocybin is classified by HC as a Schedule III drug under the CDSA, meaning activities such as sale, possession, or production of these substances are prohibited unless they have been authorized for clinical trials or research purposes by HC, consistent with Part J of Canada’s Food and Drug Regulations. Under Part J, a party may file a CTA to study psilocybin for a medicinal use. The compliance and monitoring of controlled drugs and substances in Canada is overseen by HC’s Office of Controlled Substances, in conjunction with law enforcement agencies. The CDSA provides for the control of substances that can alter mental processes and that may produce harm to health and to society when diverted or misused. Except as authorized under its related regulations, or via an exemption issued under section 56 of the CDSA, most activities involving substances regulated under the CDSA, such as possession, import, export, and production are prohibited. Controlled substances are regulated and grouped into Schedules I to V to the CDSA. Schedule III is considered of less abuse potential than Schedule I.

HC administers the CDSA and its regulations to: (1) allow access for lawful purposes and (2) reduce the risk that controlled substances and precursors will be used for illegal purposes. To meet these two objectives, HC: (1) issues licenses, permits and exemptions, (2) monitors trends of problematic substance use, (3) updates the Schedules to the CDSA based on assessments of new or existing substances, when necessary, (4) works with international organizations and other countries to meet Canada's obligations regarding controlled substances. The CDSA applies to a broad range of parties, including: (1) manufacturers, distributors, importers and exporters who must obtain a license in order to produce, sell, import or export controlled substances and precursors, (2) importers and exporters who must obtain a permit each time they import and export a controlled substance or precursor, (3) health professionals who must comply with requirements when prescribing or administering controlled substances to a patient, and (4) researchers who must obtain permission to have a controlled substance for research purposes.

All regulated parties must comply with requirements for: (1) security, (2) reporting and (3) record-keeping.  HC promotes and enforces compliance with the CSDA by: (1) developing and publishing guidance, (2) informing affected parties of any regulatory changes and (3) publishing notices seeking public input on proposed regulatory changes. HC also carries out inspections of regulated parties and monitors regulated activities. HC may take action when a regulated party is not following the rules of the CDSA, including (but are not limited to): (1) issuing warning letters, (2) requiring a corrective action plan and (3) suspending and revoking licenses, permits or exemptions to stop a regulated party from conducting activities. To further enforce the CDSA, HC works with a wide range of partners and stakeholders, including: (1) provincial and territorial governments, (2) other federal departments and agencies, (3) law enforcement agencies, (4) academic, scientific and research communities, (5) non-government organizations, such as national, provincial and territorial health professional associations, (6) federal regulators in other countries and (7) international organizations, such as the United Nations.

In Canada, mushroom spore kits and are legal and are sold openly in stores or on the Internet, as the spores and kits themselves are legal. Online dispensaries exist that openly sell micro doses to Canadian patients with medical prescriptions. The Canadian police tolerates the activity, citing focus on more harmful criminal drug activities. In September 2019, a motion to prevent the sale of psychoactive mushrooms was defeated by Vancouver council.

In addition to HC, the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (“NAPRA”) also has a role in scheduling new drugs, which is separate from HC’s scheduling process. NAPRA’s role in the drug scheduling process occurs after HC has authorized a drug for sale in Canada and determined whether the drug requires a prescription for sale. NAPRA does not have any role or authority in the authorization of new health products for the Canadian market and does not review products that have been classified as requiring a prescription by HC. 

While the federal government determines certain conditions of sale, such as the need for a prescription, provincial/territorial governments have the ability to further specify the conditions of sale of drug products.  Prior to 1995, each province and territory had its own system for determining the conditions of sale for non-prescription drugs in Canada, leading to wide variability in the way drugs were sold across Canada.  In 1995, NAPRA’s members, the pharmacy regulatory authorities across Canada, endorsed a proposal for a national drug scheduling model, to align the provincial/territorial drug schedules so that the conditions of sale for drugs would be more consistent across Canada. This harmonized national model is administered by NAPRA and is called the National Drug Schedules (NDS) program. 

All of the provinces and territories, except Quebec, have adopted the National Drug Schedules in some manner. The NDS come into force in each province/territory through provincial regulations. In general, the National Drug Schedules capture drugs that have been authorized for sale and classified as non-prescription by HC. Other products approved by HC (e.g. natural health products, medical devices) are outside the scope of the program and are not considered products for scheduling within the NDS. 

The NDS program consists of three schedules and four categories of drugs. Schedule I drugs require a prescription for sale. Schedule II drugs require professional intervention from the pharmacist (e.g., patient assessment and patient consultation) prior to sale. Schedule III drugs must be sold in a licensed pharmacy, but can be sold from the self-selection area of the pharmacy. Unscheduled drugs can be sold without professional supervision, from any retail outlet. 

The drug scheduling process usually begins when NAPRA receives a drug scheduling submission from a pharmaceutical company. The National Drug Scheduling Advisory Committee is an expert advisory committee that reviews the drug scheduling submissions received by NAPRA and formulates drug scheduling recommendations. There is a specific process that must be followed during each drug scheduling review, which is outlined in NAPRA’s By-law No. 2 and Rules of Procedures. The model for making drug scheduling recommendations embodies a “cascading principle” in which drugs are assessed against specific scheduling factors. A drug is first assessed using the factors for Schedule I. Should sufficient factors apply, the drug remains in that Schedule. If not, the drug is assessed against the Schedule II factors, and if warranted, subsequently against the Schedule III factors. Should the drug not meet the factors for any schedule, it becomes “Unscheduled” (the fourth category).

According to this cascading principle, it is possible, although rare, for NAPRA to place a product in Schedule I that HC has classified as a non-prescription product. This could occur because of the NAPRA policy for drugs not reviewed, which places drugs into Schedule I until they are reviewed, or because of a range of factors considered by the expert advisory committee when applying the cascading drug scheduling model. As described above, the provinces and territories can add additional conditions of sale for non-prescription drugs, but can never be less restrictive than federal legislation.  

Once the National Drug Scheduling Advisory Committee has reviewed a particular drug, it will make an interim drug scheduling recommendation. A 30-day consultation period follows, after which the NAPRA Board of Directors will make a final scheduling recommendation. The National Drug Schedules are then amended and the final recommendation is implemented according to the rules in each particular province or territory.

In summary, whereas in the U.S. psilocybin is presumed to have no medical use and is s Schedule I drug, in Canada, psilocybin is classified as a drug with a lower potential for abuse under Schedule III and is being studied in clinically-supervised settings for its potential to treat various conditions such as anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and problematic drug use. Currently there are no approved therapeutic products containing psilocybin in Canada or the US. Once a psilocybin- psilocin-containing  product were to be approved in Canada, we would expect it to remain Schedule III or a higher level (IV or V) and that NAPRA could schedule as I, requiring a prescription.

Risks Relating to Regulatory Review and Approval of our Drug Candidates

We cannot be certain that any of our new drug candidates will receive regulatory approval, and without regulatory approval we will not be able to market our new drug candidates.

Our business currently depends entirely on the successful development and commercialization of our new drug candidates. Our ability to generate revenue related to product sales, if ever, will depend on the successful development and regulatory approval of our new drug candidates and our licensing of our new drug candidates, in one or more targeted indications. Drug candidates in development have a high risk of failure. We cannot predict when, or if, a drug candidate will prove effective or safe in humans or will receive regulatory approval.

We have no products currently ready for pre-clinical or clinical research or approved for sale and cannot guarantee that there will ever have marketable products. The development of a new drug candidate and issues relating to its approval and marketing are subject to extensive regulation by the FDA in the United States, HC in Canada and regulatory authorities in other countries, with regulations differing from country to country. We are not permitted to market our drug candidates in the United States or Canada until we receive approval of a new drug application (“NDA”) from the FDA or a Notice of Compliance (“NOC”) and Drug Identification Number (“DIN”) associated with a New Drug Submission (“NDS”) from HC, respectively. We have not submitted any applications for any of our new drug candidates.

NDAs and NDSs must include extensive pre-clinical and clinical data and supporting information to establish the drug candidate’s safety and effectiveness for each desired indication. NDAs and NDSs must also include significant information regarding the chemistry, manufacturing and controls for the product. Obtaining approval of a NDA or a NDS is a lengthy, expensive and uncertain process, and we may not be successful in obtaining approval. The FDA and the HC review processes can take years to complete and approval is never guaranteed. If we submit a NDA to the FDA, the FDA must decide whether to accept or reject the submission for filing. We cannot be certain that any submissions will be accepted for filing and review by the FDA. Regulators of other jurisdictions, such as the HC, have their own procedures for approval of drug candidates. Even if a product is approved, the FDA or the HC, as the case may be, may limit the indications for which the product may be marketed, require extensive warnings on the product labeling or require expensive and time-consuming clinical trials or reporting as conditions of approval. Regulatory authorities in countries outside of the United States and Canada also have requirements for approval of drug candidates with which we must comply prior to marketing in those countries. Obtaining regulatory approval for marketing of a drug candidate in one country does not ensure that we will be able to obtain regulatory approval in any other country. In addition, delays in approvals or rejections of marketing applications in the United States, Canada, or other countries may be based upon many factors, including regulatory requests for additional analyses, reports, data, pre-clinical studies and clinical trials, regulatory questions regarding different interpretations of data and results, changes in regulatory policy during the period of product development and the emergence of new information regarding our drug candidates or other products. Also, regulatory approval for any of our drug candidates may be withdrawn.

Before we submit an NDA to the FDA or an NDS to HC for any of our drug candidates, we must successfully complete pre-clinical studies and subsequent clinical trials. We cannot predict whether our future studies and trials will be successful or whether regulators will agree with our conclusions regarding our pre-clinical studies or clinical trials.

If we are unable to obtain approval from the FDA, HC or other regulatory agencies for our drug candidates, or if, subsequent to approval, we are unable to successfully commercialize our drug candidates, we will not be able to generate sufficient revenue to become profitable or to continue our operations.

If we receive regulatory approvals, we intend to market our drug candidates in multiple jurisdictions where we have no operating experience and may be subject to increased business and economic risks that could affect our financial results.

If we receive regulatory approvals, we plan to market our drug candidates in jurisdictions where we have no experience in marketing, developing and distributing our products and cannot guarantee that we will ever have marketable products. Certain markets have substantial legal and regulatory complexities that we may not have experience navigating. We are subject to a variety of risks inherent in doing business internationally, including risks related to the legal and regulatory environment in non-U.S. jurisdictions, including with respect to privacy and data security, trade control laws and unexpected changes in laws, regulatory requirements and enforcement, as well as risks related to fluctuations in currency exchange rates and political, social and economic instability in foreign countries. If we are unable to manage our international operations successfully, our financial results could be adversely affected.

In addition, controlled substance legislation may differ in other jurisdictions and could restrict our ability to market our products internationally. Most countries are parties to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961, which governs international trade and domestic control of narcotic substances. Countries may interpret and implement their treaty obligations in a way that creates a legal obstacle to us obtaining marketing approval for our drug candidates in those countries. These countries may not be willing or able to amend or otherwise modify their laws and regulations to permit our candidates to be marketed, or achieving such amendments to the laws and regulations may take a prolonged period of time. We would be unable to market our candidates in countries with such obstacles in the near future or perhaps at all without modification to laws and regulations.

Delays in the commencement and completion of pre-clinical studies and clinical trials could result in increased costs to us and delay or limit our ability to obtain regulatory approval for our drug candidates.

Delays in the commencement and completion of our future pre-clinical studies and clinical trials could increase our product development costs or limit the regulatory approval of our drug candidates. Based on our current financial resources, our expected level of operating expenditures and expected net proceeds to us from this offering, we believe that we will be able to fund our projected operating requirements for at least the next 12 months. We, however, will require additional funding for our business activities. In addition, we do not know whether any future studies or trials of our drug candidates, will begin on time or will be completed on schedule, if at all. The commencement and completion of pre-clinical studies and clinical trials can be delayed or suspended for a variety of reasons, including:

  • inability to obtain sufficient funds required for the commencement of pre-clinical studies and clinical trials;
  • inability to reach agreements on acceptable terms with prospective CROs and trial sites, the terms of which can be subject to extensive negotiation and may vary significantly among different CROs and trial sites;
  • clinical holds, other regulatory objections to commencing a clinical trial or the inability to obtain regulatory approval to commence a clinical trial in countries that require such approvals;
  • discussions with the FDA or non-U.S. regulators regarding the scope or design of our clinical trials;
  • inability to identify and maintain a sufficient number of trial sites, many of which may already be engaged in other clinical trial programs, including some that may be for the same indications targeted by our drug candidates;
  • inability to obtain approval from institutional review boards, or IRBs, to conduct a clinical trial at their respective sites;
  • severe or unexpected drug-related adverse effects experienced by patients;
  • inability to timely manufacture sufficient quantities of the drug candidate required for a clinical trial;
  • difficulty recruiting and enrolling patients to participate in clinical trials for a variety of reasons, including meeting the enrollment criteria for our study and competition from other clinical trial programs for the same indications as our drug candidates; and
  • inability to retain enrolled patients after a clinical trial is underway.

Changes in regulatory requirements and guidance may also occur and we may need to amend clinical trial protocols to reflect these changes with appropriate regulatory authorities. Amendments may require us to resubmit clinical trial protocols to IRBs for re-examination, which may impact the costs, timing or successful completion of a clinical trial. In addition, any future clinical trial may be suspended or terminated at any time by us, our future collaborators, the FDA or other regulatory authorities due to a number of factors, including:

  • our failure to conduct a clinical trial in accordance with regulatory requirements of our clinical protocols;
  • unforeseen safety issues or any determination that any future clinical trial presents unacceptable health risks;
  • lack of adequate funding to begin any future clinical trial due to unforeseen costs or other business decisions; and
  • a breach of the terms of any agreement with, or for any other reason by, future collaborators that have responsibility for the clinical development of any of our drug candidates.

In addition, if we, or any of our potential future collaborators, are required to conduct additional pre-clinical studies or clinical trials of our drug candidates beyond those contemplated, our ability to obtain regulatory approval of these drug candidates and generate revenue from their sales would be similarly harmed.

Our new drug candidates may have undesirable side effects which may delay or prevent marketing approval, or, if approval is received, require them to be taken off the market, require them to include safety warnings or otherwise limit their sales.

Unforeseen side effects from any of our new drug candidates could arise either during clinical development or, if approved, after the approved product has been marketed. The range and potential severity of possible side effects from systemic therapies is significant. The results of future clinical trials may show that our drug candidates cause undesirable or unacceptable side effects, which could interrupt, delay or halt clinical trials, and result in delay of, or failure to obtain, marketing approval from the FDA and other regulatory authorities, or result in marketing approval from the FDA and other regulatory authorities with restrictive label warnings.

If any of our new drug candidates receives marketing approval and we or others later identify undesirable or unacceptable side effects caused by such products:

  • regulatory authorities may require the addition of labeling statements, specific warnings, a contraindication or field alerts to physicians and pharmacies;
  • we may be required to change instructions regarding the way the product is administered, conduct additional clinical trials or change the labeling of the product;
  • we may be subject to limitations on how we may promote the product;
  • sales of the product may decrease significantly;
  • regulatory authorities may require us to take our approved product off the market;
  • we may be subject to litigation or product liability claims; and
  • our reputation may suffer.

Any of these events could prevent us or our potential future collaborators from achieving or maintaining market acceptance of the affected product or could substantially increase commercialization costs and expenses, which in turn could delay or prevent us from generating significant revenues from the sale of our products.

Reimbursement decisions by third-party payors may have an adverse effect on pricing and market acceptance. If there is not sufficient reimbursement for our drug candidates, if approved, it is less likely that they will be widely used.

Market acceptance and sales of our drug candidates, if approved, will depend on reimbursement policies and may be affected by, among other things, future healthcare reform measures. Government authorities and third-party payors, such as private health insurers and health maintenance organizations, decide which drugs they will cover and establish payment levels. We cannot be certain that reimbursement will be available for our drug candidates, if approved. Also, we cannot be certain that reimbursement policies will not reduce the demand for, or the price paid for, our drug candidates. If reimbursement is not available or is available on a limited basis, we may not be able to successfully commercialize our drug candidates.

In March 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or PPACA, as amended by the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act, or collectively, ACA, became law in the United States. The goal of ACA is to reduce the cost of health care and substantially change the way health care is financed by both governmental and private insurers. While we cannot predict what impact on federal reimbursement policies this legislation will have in general or on our business specifically, the ACA may result in downward pressure on pharmaceutical reimbursement, which could negatively affect market acceptance of our current or future drug candidates. In addition, some members of the U.S. Congress have been seeking to overturn at least portions of the legislation and we expect they will continue to review and assess this legislation and alternative health care reform proposals. We cannot predict whether new proposals will be made or adopted, when they may be adopted or what impact they may have on us if they are adopted.

In addition, other legislative changes have been proposed and adopted since the PPACA was enacted. On August 2, 2011, the Budget Control Act of 2011 was signed into law, which, among other things, creates the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to recommend proposals in spending reductions to Congress. The Joint Select Committee did not achieve a targeted deficit reduction of at least $1.2 trillion for the years 2013 through 2021, triggering the legislation’s automatic reduction to several government programs. This included aggregate reductions to Medicare payments to providers of up to 2% per fiscal year, which went into effect on April 1, 2013. On January 2, 2013, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 was signed into law, which, among other things, further reduced Medicare payments to several providers, including hospitals, and increased the statute of limitations period for the government to recover overpayments to providers from three to five years. Strong, partisan disagreement in Congress has prevented implementation of various PPACA provisions, and the Trump Administration has made repeal of the PPACA a priority. One of the first executive orders of the Trump administration granted federal agencies broad powers to unwind regulations under the PPACA. On January 11, 2017, the Senate voted to approve a “budget blueprint” allowing Republicans to repeal parts of the law while avoiding Democrat filibuster. The “Obamacare Repeal Resolution” passed 51 – 48 in the Senate. Certain legislators are continuing their efforts to repeal the PPACA, although there is little clarity on how such a repeal would be implemented and what a PPACA replacement might look like. For the immediate future, there is significant uncertainty regarding the health care, health care coverage and health care insurance markets.

The U.S. government has in the past considered, is currently considering and may in the future consider healthcare policies and proposals intended to curb rising healthcare costs, including those that could significantly affect both private and public reimbursement for healthcare services. State and local governments, as well as a number of foreign governments, are also considering or have adopted similar types of policies. Future significant changes in the healthcare systems in the United States or elsewhere, and current uncertainty about whether and how changes may be implemented, could have a negative impact on the demand for our products. We are unable to predict whether other healthcare policies, including policies stemming from legislation or regulations affecting our business, may be proposed or enacted in the future; what effect such policies would have on our business; or the effect ongoing uncertainty about these matters will have on the purchasing decisions of our customers.

We expect that additional state and federal healthcare reform measures will be adopted in the future, any of which could limit the amounts that federal and state governments will pay for healthcare products and services, which could result in reduced demand for our products or additional pricing pressures.

If we market products in a manner that violates healthcare fraud and abuse laws, or if we violate government price reporting laws, we may be subject to civil or criminal penalties.

In addition to FDA restrictions on marketing of drugs, several other types of state and federal healthcare laws, commonly referred to as “fraud and abuse” laws, have been applied in recent years to restrict certain marketing practices in the pharmaceutical industry. Other jurisdictions such as Canada have similar laws. These laws include false claims and anti-kickback statutes. If we market our products and our products are paid for by governmental programs, it is possible that some of our business activities could be subject to challenge under one or more of these laws.

Federal false claims laws prohibit any person from knowingly presenting, or causing to be presented, a false claim for payment to the federal government or knowingly making, or causing to be made, a false statement to get a false claim paid. The federal healthcare program anti-kickback statute prohibits, among other things, knowingly and willfully offering, paying, soliciting or receiving remuneration to induce, or in return for, purchasing, leasing, ordering or arranging for the purchase, lease or order of any healthcare item or service covered by Medicare, Medicaid or other federally financed healthcare programs. This statute has been interpreted to apply to arrangements between pharmaceutical manufacturers on the one hand and prescribers, purchasers or formulary managers on the other. Although there are several statutory exemptions and regulatory safe harbors protecting certain common activities from prosecution, the exemptions and safe harbors are drawn narrowly, and practices that involve remuneration intended to induce prescribing, purchasing or recommending may be subject to scrutiny if they do not qualify for an exemption or safe harbor. Most states also have statutes or regulations similar to the federal anti-kickback law and federal false claims laws, which apply to items and services covered by Medicaid and other state programs, or, in several states, apply regardless of the payor. Administrative, civil and criminal sanctions may be imposed under these federal and state laws.

Over the past few years, a number of pharmaceutical and other healthcare companies have been prosecuted under these laws for a variety of promotional and marketing activities, such as: providing free trips, free goods, sham consulting fees and grants and other monetary benefits to prescribers; reporting inflated average wholesale prices that were then used by federal programs to set reimbursement rates; engaging in off-label promotion; and submitting inflated best price information to the Medicaid Rebate Program to reduce liability for Medicaid rebates.

If the FDA and HC and other regulatory agencies do not approve the manufacturing facilities of our future contract manufacturers for commercial production, we may not be able to commercialize any of our drug candidates.

We do not currently intend to manufacture the drugs that we plan to sell. We currently have no agreements with contract manufacturers for the production of the active pharmaceutical ingredients and the formulation of sufficient quantities of drug product for our drug candidates’ pre-clinical studies and clinical trials and that we believe we will need to conduct prior to seeking regulatory approval.

We do not have agreements for commercial supplies of any of our drug candidates and we may not be able to reach agreements with these or other contract manufacturers for sufficient supplies to commercialize a drug candidate if it is approved. Additionally, the facilities used by any contract manufacturer to manufacture a drug candidate must be the subject of a satisfactory inspection before the FDA or the regulators in other jurisdictions approve the drug candidate manufactured at that facility. We will be completely dependent on these third-party manufacturers for compliance with the requirements of U.S. and non-U.S. regulators for the manufacture of our finished products. If our manufacturers cannot successfully manufacture material that conform to our specifications and current good manufacturing practice requirements of any governmental agency whose jurisdiction to which we are subject, our drug candidates will not be approved or, if already approved, may be subject to recalls. Reliance on third-party manufacturers entails risks to which we would not be subject if we manufactured the drug candidates, including:

  • the possibility that we are unable to enter into a manufacturing agreement with a third party to manufacture our drug candidates;
  • the possible breach of the manufacturing agreements by the third parties because of factors beyond our control; and
  • the possibility of termination or nonrenewal of the agreements by the third parties before we are able to arrange for a qualified replacement third-party manufacturer.

Any of these factors could cause the delay of approval or commercialization of our drug candidates, cause us to incur higher costs or prevent us from commercializing our drug candidates successfully. Furthermore, if any of our drug candidates are approved and contract manufacturers fail to deliver the required commercial quantities of finished product on a timely basis and at commercially reasonable prices and we are unable to find one or more replacement manufacturers capable of production at a substantially equivalent cost, in substantially equivalent volumes and quality and on a timely basis, we would likely be unable to meet demand for our products and could lose potential revenue. It may take several years to establish an alternative source of supply for our drug candidates and to have any such new source approved by the government agencies that regulate our products.

Even if our new drug candidates receive regulatory approval, we may still face future development and regulatory difficulties.

Our drug candidates, if approved, will also be subject to ongoing regulatory requirements for labeling, packaging, storage, advertising, promotion, record-keeping and submission of safety and other post-market information. In addition, approved products, manufacturers and manufacturers’ facilities are required to comply with extensive FDA and HC requirements and requirements of other similar agencies, including ensuring that quality control and manufacturing procedures conform to current good manufacturing practices, or cGMPs. As such, we and our contract manufacturers will be subject to continual review and periodic inspections to assess compliance with cGMPs. Accordingly, we and others with whom we work must continue to expend time, money and effort in all areas of regulatory compliance, including manufacturing, production and quality control. We will also be required to report certain adverse reactions and production problems, if any, to the FDA and HC and other similar agencies and to comply with certain requirements concerning advertising and promotion for our products. Promotional communications with respect to prescription drugs are subject to a variety of legal and regulatory restrictions and must be consistent with the information in the product’s approved label. Accordingly, we may not promote our approved products, if any, for indications or uses for which they are not approved.

If a regulatory agency discovers previously unknown problems with a product, such as adverse events of unanticipated severity or frequency, or problems with the facility where the product is manufactured, or disagrees with the promotion, marketing or labeling of a product, it may impose restrictions on that product or us, including requiring withdrawal of the product from the market. If our drug candidates fail to comply with applicable regulatory requirements, a regulatory agency may:

  • issue warning letters;
  • mandate modifications to promotional materials or require us to provide corrective information to healthcare practitioners;
  • require us or our potential future collaborators to enter into a consent decree or permanent injunction, which can include imposition of various fines, reimbursements for inspection costs, required due dates for specific actions and penalties for noncompliance;
  • impose other administrative or judicial civil or criminal penalties;
  • withdraw regulatory approval;
  • refuse to approve pending applications or supplements to approved applications filed by us or our potential future collaborators;
  • impose restrictions on operations, including costly new manufacturing requirements; or
  • seize or detain products.

Risks Relating to the Commercialization of Our Products

Even if approved, our drug candidates may not achieve broad market acceptance among physicians, patients and healthcare payors, and as a result our revenues generated from their sales may be limited.

The commercial success of our drug candidates, if approved, will depend upon their acceptance among the medical community, including physicians, health care payors and patients. The degree of market acceptance of our drug candidates will depend on a number of factors, including:

  • limitations or warnings contained in our drug candidates’ approved labeling; 
  • changes in the standard of care or availability of alternative therapies at similar or lower costs for the targeted indications for any of our drug candidates;
  • limitations in the approved clinical indications for our drug candidates;
  • demonstrated clinical safety and efficacy compared to other products;
  • lack of significant adverse side effects;
  • sales, marketing and distribution support;
  • availability of reimbursement from managed care plans and other third-party payors;
  • timing of market introduction and perceived effectiveness of competitive products;
  • the degree of cost-effectiveness;
  • availability of alternative therapies at similar or lower cost, including generics and over-the-counter products;
  • the extent to which our drug candidates are approved for inclusion on formularies of hospitals and managed care organizations;
  • whether our drug candidates are designated under physician treatment guidelines for the treatment of the indications for which we have received regulatory approval;
  • adverse publicity about our drug candidates or favorable publicity about competitive products;
  • convenience and ease of administration of our drug candidates; and
  • potential product liability claims.

If our drug candidates are approved, but do not achieve an adequate level of acceptance by physicians, patients, the medical community and healthcare payors, sufficient revenue may not be generated from these products and we may not become or remain profitable. In addition, efforts to educate the medical community and third-party payors on the benefits of our drug candidates may require significant resources and may never be successful.

We have no sales, marketing or distribution capabilities and we will have to invest significant resources to develop those capabilities or enter into acceptable third-party sales and marketing arrangements.

We have no sales, marketing or distribution capabilities. To develop internal sales, distribution and marketing capabilities, we will have to invest significant amounts of financial and management resources, some of which will be committed prior to any confirmation that our initial drug candidate or any of our other drug candidates will be approved. For drug candidates where we decide to perform sales, marketing and distribution functions ourselves or through third parties, we could face a number of additional risks, including:

  • we or our third-party sales collaborators may not be able to attract and build an effective marketing or sales force;
  • the cost of securing or establishing a marketing or sales force may exceed the revenues generated by any products; and
  • our direct sales and marketing efforts may not be successful.

We may have limited or no control over the sales, marketing and distribution activities of these third parties. Our future revenues may depend heavily on the success of the efforts of these third parties.

We may not be successful in establishing and maintaining development and commercialization collaborations, which could adversely affect our ability to develop certain of our drug candidates and our financial condition and operating results.

Because developing drugs, conducting clinical trials, obtaining regulatory approval, establishing manufacturing capabilities and marketing approved products are expensive, we may seek collaborations with companies that have more experience. Additionally, if any of our drug candidates receives marketing approval, we may enter into sales and marketing arrangements with third parties. If we are unable to enter into arrangements on acceptable terms, if at all, we may be unable to effectively market and sell our products in our target markets. We expect to face competition in seeking appropriate collaborators. Moreover, collaboration arrangements are complex and time consuming to negotiate, document and implement and they may require substantial resources to maintain. We may not be successful in our efforts to establish and implement collaborations or other alternative arrangements for the development of our drug candidates.

When we collaborate with a third party for development and commercialization of a drug candidate, we can expect to relinquish some or all of the control over the future success of that drug candidate to the third party. For example, we may relinquish the rights to a drug candidate in jurisdictions outside of the United States. Our collaboration partner may not devote sufficient resources to the commercialization of our drug candidates or may otherwise fail in their commercialization. The terms of any collaboration or other arrangement that we establish may not be favorable to us. In addition, any collaboration that we enter into may be unsuccessful in the development and commercialization of our drug candidates. In some cases, once we have begun pre-clinical and initial clinical development of a drug candidate, we may be responsible for continuing research, or research programs under a collaboration arrangement, and the payment we receive from our collaboration partner may be insufficient to cover the cost of this development. If we are unable to reach agreements with suitable collaborators for our drug candidates, we would face increased costs, we may be forced to limit the number of our drug candidates we can commercially develop or the territories in which we commercialize them and we might fail to commercialize products or programs for which a suitable collaborator cannot be found. If we fail to achieve successful collaborations, our operating results and financial condition may be materially and adversely affected.

Risks Relating to Our Licensed Intellectual Property

It is difficult and costly to protect our proprietary rights, and we may not be able to ensure their protection. If our licensed patent position does not adequately protect our drug candidates, others could compete against us more directly, which would harm our business, possibly materially.

Our commercial success will depend in part on our licensor and us obtaining and maintaining patent protection and trade secret protection of our current and future drug candidates and the methods used to manufacture them, as well as successfully defending these patents against third-party challenges. Our ability to stop third parties from making, using, selling, offering to sell or importing our drug candidates is dependent upon the extent to which we have rights under valid and enforceable patents or trade secrets that cover these activities and the right under our licensed patent to contest alleged infringement.

The patent positions of biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies can be highly uncertain and involve complex legal and factual questions for which important legal principles remain unresolved. No consistent policy regarding the breadth of claims allowed in pharmaceutical patents has emerged to date in the United States or in many jurisdictions outside of the United States. Changes in either the patent laws or interpretations of patent laws in the United States and other countries may diminish the value of our licensed intellectual property. Accordingly, we cannot predict the breadth of claims that may be enforced in the patents that may be issued from the applications we currently or may in the future own or license from third parties. Further, if any patents we obtain or license are deemed invalid and unenforceable, our ability to commercialize or license our technology could be adversely affected.

Others have filed, and in the future, are likely to file, patent applications covering products and technologies that are similar, identical or competitive to ours or important to our business. We cannot be certain that any patent application owned by a third party will not have priority over patent applications filed or in-licensed by us, or that we or our licensor will not be involved in interference, opposition or invalidity proceedings before U.S. or non-U.S. patent offices.

The degree of future protection for our proprietary rights is uncertain because legal means afford only limited protection and may not adequately protect our rights or permit us to gain or keep our competitive advantage. For example:

  • others may be able to develop a platform similar to, or better than, ours in a way that is not covered by the claims of our licensed or owned patents;
  • others may be able to make compounds that are similar to our drug candidates but that are not covered by the claims of patents we have or are licensed to us;
  • we might not have been the first to make the inventions covered by any pending patent applications which have been or may be filed;
  • we might not have been the first to file patent applications for these inventions;
  • others may independently develop similar or alternative technologies or duplicate any of our technologies;
  • any patents that we obtain, or are licensed to us, may not provide us with any competitive advantages;
  • we, or our licensor, may not develop additional proprietary technologies that are patentable; or
  • the patents of others may have an adverse effect on our business.

Without patent protection on the composition of matter of our drug candidates, our ability to assert our patents to stop others from using or selling our drug candidates in a non-pharmaceutically acceptable formulation may be limited.

Due to the patent laws of a country, or the decisions of a patent examiner in a country, or our own filing strategies, we may not obtain patent coverage for all of our drug candidates or methods involving these candidates in the licensor’s patent application. We plan to pursue and request our licensor to pursue divisional patent applications or continuation patent applications in the United States and other countries to obtain claim coverage for inventions which were disclosed but not claimed in the parent patent application.

We may also rely on trade secrets to protect our technology, especially where we do not believe patent protection is appropriate or feasible. However, trade secrets are difficult to protect. Although we use reasonable efforts to protect our trade secrets, our employees, consultants, contractors, outside scientific collaborators and other advisors may unintentionally or willfully disclose our information to competitors. Enforcing a claim that a third party illegally obtained and is using any of our trade secrets may be expensive and time consuming, and the outcome is unpredictable. In addition, courts outside the United States are sometimes less willing to protect trade secrets. Moreover, our competitors may independently develop equivalent knowledge, methods and know-how. Our commercial success will depend, in part, on our ability, and the ability of our licensor, to obtain and maintain patent protection. Our or our licensor’s failure to obtain and maintain patent protection for our products may have a material adverse effect on our business.

Pursuant to our license agreement with Orthogonal, we have obtained rights to a provisional patent application. Our success may depend, in part, on our ability and the ability of Orthogonal to obtain and enforce patent protection for our proposed products and to preserve our trade secrets. Patent positions in the field of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals are generally highly uncertain and involve complex legal and scientific questions. We cannot be certain that Orthogonal’s inventor was the first inventor of the inventions covered by the provisional patent application or that they were the first to file. Accordingly, the provisional patent application and any resulting patents licensed to us may not be valid or afford us protection against competitors with similar technology. The failure to maintain and/or obtain patent protection on the technologies underlying our proposed products may have material adverse effects on our competitive position and business prospects.

We may infringe the intellectual property rights of others, which may prevent or delay our drug development efforts and stop us from commercializing or increase the costs of commercializing our drug candidates.

Our success will depend in part on our ability to operate without infringing the proprietary rights of third parties. We cannot guarantee that our drug candidates, or manufacture or use of our drug candidates, will not infringe third-party patents. Furthermore, a third party may claim that we or our manufacturing or commercialization collaborators are using inventions covered by the third party’s patent rights and may go to court to stop us from engaging in our normal operations and activities, including making or selling our drug candidates. These lawsuits are costly and could affect our results of operations and divert the attention of managerial and scientific personnel. There is a risk that a court would decide that we or our commercialization collaborators are infringing the third party’s patents and would order us or our collaborators to stop the activities covered by the patents. In that event, we or our commercialization collaborators may not have a viable way around the patent and may need to halt commercialization of the relevant product. In addition, there is a risk that a court will order us or our collaborators to pay the other party damages for having violated the other party’s patents. In the future, we may agree to indemnify our commercial collaborators against certain intellectual property infringement claims brought by third parties. The pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries have produced a proliferation of patents, and it is not always clear to industry participants, including us, which patents cover various types of products or methods of use. The coverage of patents is subject to interpretation by the courts, and the interpretation is not always uniform. If we are sued for patent infringement, we would need to demonstrate that our products or methods either do not infringe the patent claims of the relevant patent or that the patent claims are invalid, and we may not be able to do this. Proving invalidity is difficult. For example, in the United States, proving invalidity requires a showing of clear and convincing evidence to overcome the presumption of validity enjoyed by issued patents. Even if we are successful in these proceedings, we may incur substantial costs and divert management’s time and attention in pursuing these proceedings, which could have a material adverse effect on us. If we are unable to avoid infringing the patent rights of others, we may be required to seek a license, which may not be available, defend an infringement action or challenge the validity of the patents in court. Patent litigation is costly and time consuming. We may not have sufficient resources to bring these actions to a successful conclusion. In addition, if we do not obtain a license, develop or obtain non-infringing technology, fail to defend an infringement action successfully or have infringed patents declared invalid, we may incur substantial monetary damages, encounter significant delays in bringing our drug candidates to market and be precluded from manufacturing or selling our drug candidates.

  • We cannot be certain that others have not filed patent applications for technology covered by pending applications subject to our license agreements, or that we were the first to invent the technology, because:
  • some patent applications in the United States may be maintained in secrecy until the patents are issued;
  • patent applications in the United States are typically not published until 18 months after the priority date; and
  • publications in the scientific literature often lag behind actual discoveries.

Our competitors may have filed, and may in the future file, patent applications covering technology similar to ours. Any such patent application may have priority over our patent applications, which could further require us to obtain rights to issued patents covering such technologies. If another party has filed a U.S. patent application on inventions similar to ours, we may have to participate in an interference proceeding declared by the USPTO to determine priority of invention in the United States. The costs of these proceedings could be substantial, and it is possible that such efforts would be unsuccessful if, unbeknownst to us, the other party had independently arrived at the same or similar invention prior to our own invention, resulting in a loss of our U.S. patent position with respect to such inventions. Other countries have similar laws that permit secrecy of patent applications, and may be entitled to priority over our applications in such jurisdictions.

Some of our competitors may be able to sustain the costs of complex patent litigation more effectively than we can because they have substantially greater resources. In addition, any uncertainties resulting from the initiation and continuation of any litigation could have a material adverse effect on our ability to raise the funds necessary to continue our operations.

We may incur substantial costs as a result of litigation or other proceedings relating to patent and other intellectual property rights.

If we choose to go to court to stop another party from using the inventions claimed in any patents we may obtain, that individual or company has the right to ask the court to rule that such patents are invalid or should not be enforced against that third party. These lawsuits may be expensive and would consume time and resources and divert the attention of managerial and scientific personnel even if we were successful in stopping the infringement of such patents. In addition, there is a risk that the court will decide that such patents are not valid and that we do not have the right to stop the other party from using the inventions. There is also the risk that, even if the validity of such patents is upheld, the court will refuse to stop the other party on the ground that such other party’s activities do not infringe our rights to such patents. In addition, the U.S. Supreme Court has recently modified some tests used by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, or USPTO, in granting patents over the past 20 years, which may decrease the likelihood that we will be able to obtain patents and increase the likelihood of challenge of any patents we obtain or license.

Obtaining and maintaining our patent protection depends on compliance with various procedural, document submission, fee payment and other requirements imposed by governmental patent agencies, and our patent protection could be reduced or eliminated for non-compliance with these requirements.

Periodic maintenance fees, renewal fees, annuity fees and various other governmental fees on patents and/or applications will be due to be paid to the USPTO and various governmental patent agencies outside of the United States in several stages over the lifetime of the patents and/or applications. Currently, we rely upon our licensor to fund the payments under our license agreement. We are required to reimburse our licensor for these fees. The USPTO and various non-U.S. governmental patent agencies require compliance with a number of procedural, documentary, fee payment and other similar provisions during the patent application process. However, there are situations in which noncompliance can result in abandonment or lapse of the patent or patent application, resulting in partial or complete loss of patent rights in the relevant jurisdiction. In such an event, our competitors might be able to enter the market and this circumstance would have a material adverse effect on our business.


There is no assurance that purchasers of the Securities will receive a return on their investment.

 The Securities are highly speculative and any return on an investment in the Securities is contingent upon numerous circumstances, many of which (including legal and regulatory conditions) are beyond the Company’s control.  There is no assurance that purchasers will realize any return on their investments or that their entire investments will not be lost. For this reason, each purchaser should carefully read this Memorandum and should consult with their own attorney, financial and tax advisors prior to making any investment decision with respect to the Securities.  Investors should only make an investment in the Securities if they are prepared to lose the entirety of such investment.

The Company’s management will have broad discretion over the use of the net proceeds from this Offering.

At present, At present, we intend to use the net proceeds for (1) conducting pre-clinical, clinical development for our drug candidates, and related research programs; (2) intellectual property development or acquisition; and (3) general corporate purposes. The failure by the Company’s management to apply these funds effectively could have a material adverse effect on the Company and the value of the Securities. 

Holders of the Securities will generally not have voting rights and will generally have no ability to influence the decisions of the Company.

Holders of the Securities have no voting rights. As a result, all matters submitted to stockholders will be decided by the vote of holders of the Company’s capital stock entitled to vote thereon, which shall not include the Securities.  Holders of the Securities will have no ability to elect directors or determine the outcome of any other matters submitted to a vote of the Company’s stockholders. 

The Securities may be subject to registration under the Exchange Act if the Company has assets above $10 million and more than 2,000 purchasers participate in the Offering, which would increase the Company’s costs and require substantial attention from management.

Companies with total assets above $10 million and more than 2,000 holders of record of its equity securities, or 500 holders of record of its equity securities who are not accredited investors, at the end of their fiscal year must register that class of equity securities with the SEC under the Exchange Act.  The Company could trigger this requirement as a result of the Offering and be required to register the Capital Stock with the SEC under the Exchange Act, which would be a laborious and expensive process.  Furthermore, if such registration takes place, the Company will have materially higher compliance and reporting costs going forward.

Purchasers may lack information for monitoring their investment.

The Securities do not have any information rights attached to them and purchasers may not be able to obtain all the information they would want regarding the Company or the Securities. In particular, investors may not be able to receive information regarding the financial performance of the Company with respect to the ability of the Company. The Company is not currently registered with the SEC and currently has no periodic reporting requirements. As a result of these difficulties, as well as other uncertainties, a purchaser may not have accurate or accessible information about the Company or the Securities.

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Offering Documents


Meet the Ei.Ventures team

Co-Founder and CEO
David Nikzad

David is an experienced operator, entrepreneur, and angel investor. He is an “investor savant” and backer of the most disruptive entrepreneurs. With a keen eye for winning ideas, he has an impressive track record of investing success. David’s ability to find companies that become leaders in their respective industries is a gift. As an advisor to early-stage companies in Silicon Valley, he has successfully led the development of new and existing companies, built teams and guided operations.

Jason Hobson

Jason joined the Company in 2019, upon its formation. He is an attorney, entrepreneur and angel investor. He is a founding partner of the law firm of Hobson Bernardino + Davis LLP, with offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Washington, D.C.

Director of Clinical Trials
Linda Strause, Ph.D

Dr. Strause has worked in the pharmaceutical development industry for over 25 year and have held senior positions in a variety of functional areas. Linda brings a 360 degree perspective to the drug development industry. She - has served as a principal investigator, a senior level manager with a global contract research organization (CRO), as a vice president with a site management company, as in a senior level position within the biotechnology industry.

Strategic Advisor
Najla Guthrie

Najla currently serves as the President and CEO of KGK Science, a contract research organization in Ontario, Canada. Throughout her career, Najla has been hailed for both her revolutionary contributions to nutritional science and her accomplishments within the nutraceuticals industry..

Chief Medical Officer
Jack Rentz, M.D.

Dr. Rentz is an experienced Physician and owned of Denver Diagnostic Pain with a demonstrated history of working in interventional pain medicine and interventional orthopedics with a focus on non-opioid care and evolving stem cell therapies. Dr. Rentz is skilled in clinical practice, medical education, medical devices, and strategic planning with strong healthcare business experience and physician and support staff education.

Strategic Partner
Kevin Matthews

Kevin led the campaign that successfully decriminalized psilocybin mushrooms in Denver, CO in May 2019. He currently serves as the Executive Director of the Society for Psychedelic Outreach, Reform, and Education and is the President of the Denver Psilocybin Policy Review Panel.

Strategic Partner
Jeff Pasquerella

Jeff has an extensive professional background in the securities industry. Mr. Pasquerella was the Vice President and Regional Director of the South Region of FINRA from 2013-2015.

Strategic Partner
Gopal Das

Gopal is the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Apex Resources Ltd., Co-Founder and Member of the Board of Directors of Safehouse Technologies, the Managing Director of KHMDL, Member of the Board of Directors of April Labs, and a Senior Advisor to the Chairman of the Board at Orthogonal Thinker. He has also led investments in Relativity Space, UrLife/Slice Media, and SpaceX.





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Project FAQs

Ask A Question
Question: How do I invest with my 401k?

Answer: Hi, If you are an accredited investor you can invest with your 401k through our Reg D. Offering. Please email [email protected] and we can assist you in setting that up. Best regards, Investor Relations
Question: I am new to SAFE offerings. Please clarify the possibly contradicting statements in the Ownership Structure and Rights of Securities wording and the Offering Documents wording regarding an investor ($1,000 amount) and their rights to Capitol Stock. Thx.

Answer: Hi... all investors have a right to future equity. We have not done a conversion or stock offering round yet. We are currently raising on a SAFE (simple agreement for future equity). When we do our conversion round in the near future, the SAFE will give you the right to convert into stock and will happen automatically. In other words it is a convertible instrument. We currently have several pathways for a conversion round in the near future. You would get stock at that point in an off-book to on-book transaction. The SAFE was developed by Y Combinator and has been used in private financing for a while. You can learn more about it here: https://www.ycombinator.com/library/6m-understanding-safes-and-priced-equity-rounds
Question: Can I invest $150.00?

Answer: Right now the minimum investment is $150. We will let you know if we lower this in the near future.
Question: What (if any) institutional capital is backing this round?

Answer: Hi Justin and thanks for the question. In the Reg CF itself we are not talking to any institutional investors. We have another simultaneous Reg D round taking place at the moment where institutional capital is being solicited. We have a commitment from a large fund as the lead investor. I'm not at liberty to give a name at the moment as we are still working out the terms. We are also working with two large BD syndicates in the U.S. and Canada.
